Septic Tanks Jacksonville, FL
Duval County Septic Repair Installation & Tank Pumping
In Duval county with JEA, commonly septic tanks are where the waste is treated in the septic system. Typically, tanks are made of fiberglass, concrete or polyethylene, the tank is watertight and buried. The tank holds wastewater deposited from the pipe long enough for separations to occur, then solids sink to the bottom of the tank and eventually combine with other solids to form a sludge layer.
Septic tanks use natural processes and bacteria to break down waste. Aerobic bacteria use waste as fuel, turning the solids into liquids and gases through excretion. In fact, they are so efficient and resilient, healthy and happy bacteria decomposes up to 50% of the waste in septic tanks.
Compartment tank designs keep the sludge and scum layers from exiting with the wastewater into the drainfield and upon exit, effluent filters further prevent any solids from exiting the tank as they enter the drainfields in Jacksonville Florida.